The increasing number of cybercrime incidents across the world has raised concerns among individuals, government bodies, businesses, developers and security firms. Cybercrime not only has financial repercussions due to data leakage, but also affects the privacy of the affected individuals. Disclosure of privileged and classified information results in strategic loss for businesses and governments. A recent report by Symantec, has blamed the easy availability of attack toolkits for growing number of cybercrime incidents. Attack toolkits are pre-written software programs, which facilitate even a novice to launch attack on computer systems and networks.
The financial incentive derived through cybercrime has encouraged criminals to develop more sophisticated toolkits. Cybercrime has become an organized business and attackers can easily purchase attack toolkits from underground crime syndicates. The toolkits are usually available on subscription, may be customized and could be regularly updated. The report indicates that crime syndicates even use anti-piracy tools to ensure access to only those attackers, who have made payment for the toolkits. Last year, hundreds of individuals and businesses were attacked with Zeus botnets, designed to steal bank account and authentication credentials.
The attack kits are designed to allow attackers to add exploit code for newly found vulnerabilities. The facility enables attackers to exploit the vulnerabilities on unpatched computer systems and networks. The attack toolkits have helped in the dynamic spread and proliferation of cybercrime. They have also facilitated attackers to identify and launch frequent attacks on vulnerable computer systems and networks. The new and sophisticated attacks require proactive response.
Usually, ethical hacker certified professionals help developers in identifying the vulnerabilities. Software developers are faced with the challenge of providing quick updates and patches to vulnerabilities. Computer and Internet users must be guided on the sophisticated threats in the cyberspace through online computer training programs and video kits. Awareness and safe online computing practices are crucial to deal with the menace of cybercrime.
Professionals with security certifications may aid governments and businesses to secure the IT apparatus against frequent attacks from criminals.
The financial incentive derived through cybercrime has encouraged criminals to develop more sophisticated toolkits. Cybercrime has become an organized business and attackers can easily purchase attack toolkits from underground crime syndicates. The toolkits are usually available on subscription, may be customized and could be regularly updated. The report indicates that crime syndicates even use anti-piracy tools to ensure access to only those attackers, who have made payment for the toolkits. Last year, hundreds of individuals and businesses were attacked with Zeus botnets, designed to steal bank account and authentication credentials.
The attack kits are designed to allow attackers to add exploit code for newly found vulnerabilities. The facility enables attackers to exploit the vulnerabilities on unpatched computer systems and networks. The attack toolkits have helped in the dynamic spread and proliferation of cybercrime. They have also facilitated attackers to identify and launch frequent attacks on vulnerable computer systems and networks. The new and sophisticated attacks require proactive response.
Usually, ethical hacker certified professionals help developers in identifying the vulnerabilities. Software developers are faced with the challenge of providing quick updates and patches to vulnerabilities. Computer and Internet users must be guided on the sophisticated threats in the cyberspace through online computer training programs and video kits. Awareness and safe online computing practices are crucial to deal with the menace of cybercrime.
Professionals with security certifications may aid governments and businesses to secure the IT apparatus against frequent attacks from criminals.
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